About possible exam updates – DP-900 Microsoft Azure Data Fundamentals Exam Updates

About possible exam updates

Microsoft reviews exam content periodically to ensure that it aligns with the technology and job role associated with the exam. This includes, but is not limited to, incorporating function-ality and features related to technology changes, changing skills needed for success within a job role, and revisions to product names. Microsoft updates the exam details page to notify candidates when changes occur. If you have registered this book and an update occurs to this chapter, you will be notified by Microsoft Press about the availability of this updated chapter.

Impact on you and your study plan

Microsoft’s information helps you plan, but it also means that the exam might change before you pass the current exam. That impacts you, affecting how we deliver this book to you. This chapter gives us a way to communicate in detail about those changes as they occur. But you should keep an eye on other spaces as well.

For those other information sources to watch, bookmark and check these sites for news:

Microsoft Learn: Check the main source for up-to-date information: microsoft.com/ learn. Make sure to sign up for automatic notifications at that page.

Microsoft Press: Find information about products, offers, discounts, and free down-

loads: microsoftpressstore.com. Make sure to register your purchased products.

As changes arise, we will update this chapter with more details about the exam and book content. At that point, we will publish an updated version of this chapter, listing our content plans. That detail will likely include the following:

■■ Content removed, so if you plan to take the new exam version, you can ignore those when studying
■■ New content planned per new exam topics, so you know what’s coming

The remainder of the chapter shows the new content that may change over time.